The Story Of DenHool
Drentsche Schans
DenHool whisky is produced by the Drentsche Schans.
The Drentsche Schans is located in Den Hool, which is also the name of this Drenthe whisky.
Arable farm
The company is originally an arable farm that has a rich history in growing arable crops such as potatoes, sugar beets, wheat and barley.
Beer brewing began at the end of the 1990s. The grains that were used to brew the beer were grown on the arable farm. The barley was malted by Mouterij Dingemans.
As self-brewing did not deliver the required result, the decision was taken to outsource the malting to a professional brewery, first still on a very small scale, but in order to be able to meet the increasing demand, Brouwerij Van Steenberge in the Belgian village of Ertvelde has been brewing four different types of beer on behalf of the Drentsche Schans since 2003.
Further information about this can be found at:
In principle, the step from beer to whisky is not a big one. In both cases, the basic ingredient is malted barley.
In 2009, some of the malt was transported to Zuidam Distillers in Baarle Nassau
and was used to make a distillate that is filled into different types of oak barrels in Den Hool. In 2016, the first DenHool whisky appeared on the market.
From 2015, distillation is also carried out in Den Hool.
End October 2016 also a micro-malting is installed at the Drentsche Schans.
This development means that we will finally manage the entire process!